Video Portfolio

Video Marketing Samples

Company Branding

This branding video highlights the company's step by step process. The goal is to instill confidence for the potential customer.

Meet the Crew

This meet the staff/crew video is a solid way to help establish trust between company and potential customer.

Highlight a Service

Leaning on the side of a testimonial video, this video highlights a successful service. The goal here is to build on a trusting relationship.

Video Tesimonial

Nothing helps sell a company better than a happy customer. The best video testimonial comes from the customer himself.

Video Testimonial 2

When the customer is too shy for the camera, a well writen testimonal can be turned into a video testimonial using professional voice over talent.

Video Testimonial 3

Here is another video testimonial sample from the customer herself. Video remains the best marketing tool.

Branding Video

Big or small, a branding video will have the same impact to any viewer. It's that personal touch that helps sell your credibility and professionalism.

Facebook Marketing

Embed this video on any web page as part of your marketing or create a marketing campaign on Facebook. Video on Facebook are real attention getters.

Social Media

Video marketing is great for any social media platform. This video is an ad for a general contractor, The video serves over multiple platforms. Getting noticed is the end result.

Branding Video

This branding video was created for an architectural photographer who uses it on many platforms including email blast when promoting for new clients.

Virtual Tour

The owner of this beautiful vacation rental wanted a virtual tour for his website. The video is also used to promote on social media.

Real Estate

It's not Real Estate marketing if it doesn't include a quality virtual tour. This virtual tour includes footage from a drone increasing the quality.

Product Promo

Big or small, a branding video will have the same impact to any viewer. It's that personal touch that helps sell your credibility and professionalism.

Product & Service

This branding video was created for an architectural photographer who uses it on many platforms including email blast when promoting for new clients.

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